Heera Colony, Sikandrabad - 203205, Uttar Pradesh, India

+91 9917755447

Vijaysar dry extract

Vijaysar Known as the indian kino tree or Malabar Kino, it is Found commonly in hilly regions of central and southern India & Ceylon. We are emerging as a renowned Vijaysar dry extract supplier in India.
The Indian traditional system of medicine prescribed this plant for diseases including diabetes mellitus called madhumeh in Sanskrit.
The heart wood is astringent, bitter acrid, anti inflammatory, anthelmintic, anodyne. The aqueous extract from the heart wood of the tree demonstrates to reduce the glucose absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, and improve insulin and pro-insulin levels. It also said to be effective in beta-cell regeneration. Beside diabetes, it is also good for elephantiasis, leucoderma, diarrhoea, dysentary, rectalgia, cough and greyness of hair.

Vijaysar dry extract
Vijaysar dry extract